Tools for Understanding your Data

About this Site

NYC Public Schools produces this suite of tools to help educators make better-informed decisions, driving school improvement and student achievement. We regularly add new tools and features. To ensure that our applications meet users’ needs, we test our ideas with users before we build them. If you’d like to help us improve our tools by joining our pool of testers, please fill out our User-Testing Interest Form.

We dedicate this platform and its tools to Alice M. Brown. Without her vision, imagination, and commitment, these applications would not exist

Latest Updates

August 2024: Insight Updates

Users can now view students’ performance on each question using the new “Performance by Question” chart on the Grades 3 - 8 State Tests feature. Advanced courses data and Grades 3-8 State Tests data are now available to download from the downloader features.

May 2024: Insight Updates

Users can now view students’ performance on each standard using the new “Performance by Standard” chart on the Grades 3 - 8 State tests features. The chronic absenteeism metric has been updated throughout Insight to align with current policy, and users can now filter their list of students based on their attendance rates.

March 2024: School Quality Snapshot and School Performance Dashboard have been updated with 2022-23 data for all schools including data from the NYC School Survey.

Public Tools

Tools for Internal School Use
